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National Trust - Sutton Hoo

Attraction | Woodbridge | Angleterre | Royaume Uni

Sutton Hoo est un site archéologique important près de Woodbridge, Suffolk, en Angleterre. Il est devenu célèbre grâce à la découverte de deux cimetières anglo-saxons datant des 6e et 7e siècles. Il convient de souligner en particulier une sépulture de navire intacte, qui contenait une multitude d'artefacts et est considérée comme l'une des découvertes archéologiques les plus importantes d'Europe.

La découverte de la sépulture de navire en 1939 a été un jalon dans la compréhension de l'histoire anglo-saxonne. Les trésors trouvés, dont un casque magnifique, des armes, des bijoux et des objets domestiques, ont fourni des informations précieuses sur la culture et l'artisanat de cette époque. Les artefacts sont aujourd'hui en grande partie exposés au British Museum de Londres.

Le site de Sutton Hoo s'étend sur 255 hectares et offre une vue imprenable sur la rivière Deben. Il comprend plusieurs tumulus qui marquent la dernière demeure des rois ou des personnalités de haut rang du royaume d'East Anglia. L'identité exacte des personnes enterrées ici n'est pas clairement établie, mais on pense que l'individu inhumé dans la sépulture de navire pourrait être le roi Rædwald.

Aujourd'hui, Sutton Hoo est géré par le National Trust et offre aux visiteurs la possibilité d'explorer l'histoire de ce lieu unique. Le site comprend la Tranmer House, une maison de maître du début du 20e siècle qui appartenait autrefois à la famille Pretty. Edith Pretty était l'instigatrice des fouilles qui ont mené à la découverte de la sépulture de navire. Des expositions sur l'histoire des fouilles et la vie de la famille Pretty sont visibles dans la maison.

Un point culminant de la visite est la tour d'observation de 17 mètres de haut, qui offre une vue panoramique sur le site et les paysages environnants. De là, les visiteurs peuvent comprendre l'agencement des tumulus et la topographie de la région.

Sutton Hoo n'est pas seulement un site d'importance archéologique, mais aussi un lieu qui offre de profondes perspectives sur l'histoire du début du Moyen Âge en Angleterre. La combinaison de découvertes impressionnantes, de présentations informatives et de beauté naturelle en fait une destination incontournable pour les passionnés d'histoire et de culture.

Pour une compréhension approfondie de l'histoire de Sutton Hoo et de l'importance des découvertes, il est recommandé d'écouter le podcast du National Trust "The Last Voyage", qui explore les coulisses et les histoires entourant ce lieu fascinant.




Tranmer House
IP12 3DJ Woodbridge

Vue de carte

Horaires d'ouverture

Dimanche10:00 - 16:00
Lundi10:00 - 16:00
Mardi10:00 - 16:00
Mercredi10:00 - 16:00
Jeudi10:00 - 16:00
Vendredi10:00 - 16:00
Samedi10:00 - 16:00


4052 Avis

Carol A

We arrived, I scanned my ticket, which thankfully was free from the paper, to be told every walk is closed. Which is fine, but tell me before my ticket is scanned, oh and also they shut at 1pm. Ok a little frustrating because after looking at the museum and watching the video that was it. We went to the cafe for a nice hot drink, got one cream tea and a cheese tea, the cheese scone was inedible, tasted like a lump of poppyseed dough. The fruit one was as hard as a rock. A sad shame to the usual high level foods that are available at other national trust places. Also, we should have been offered complimentary passes for another day if 80% of the attraction was closed on that day. Thank God my ticket was free if not I would be demanding a refund for a poor quality experience. I hear other people turning up after us who paid to get in this, for half an hour! Madness.
Miguel Pichardo

Buenos días 🙏💕 la verdad que es un sitio y lugar e interesante para conocer claro es histórico Sutton Hoo siento curiosidad y lo quiero visitar para compartir mis opiniones con mi jente es increíble mis saludos cariñosos desde Venezuela Miguel pichardo les deseo un lindo y bendecido días 💕 para todas y todos
Gareth Young

Never been but seems wonderful.
Marta Bautista

I love Sutton Hoo. A historical place worth visiting and spending the day there. So interesting and inspiring! Walking along the surrounding river there is worth too.
Lee Ransome

Not only does the history come to life with brilliant artifacts and displays, but the staff and volunteers are extremely knowledgeable and keen to answer any questions. Also amazing walks and an excellent restaurant.
Hil Clayton

The mounds are rather underwhelming, but the museum is rather good - Mrs Pretty's house is well worth a tour too. Oh, and do visit the Tidal Mill in Woodbridge and the Viking ship reconstruction whilst you're in the area.
Mark Sikora

foggy day provided a sense of timelessness. certainly stimulated the imagination and have been reading about the history of this area ever since.

We had a pleasant visit. We had lunch in the cafe which was light and spacious. We walked out to the burial mounds and walked up the viewing tower. The exhibitions were good and informative. It's definitely worth a visit if you are in the area.
kevin mills

This nationally important burial site is a must visit . The finding of the Anglo saxon ship burial in 1939 and the contents within are the British equivalent to howard carter's finds in Egypt. The site is looked after by the national trust and although the burial site is now just lumps and bumps in a field, there are fascinating exhibitions across the site and a viewing tower as well as the usual shop and cafe. Only criticism is on the day I visited there were a lot of young uncontrolled kids who didn't care for the history or story and one kid kept describing it as poo. Volunteers and parents did nothing to address it which was disappointing
Geno Byrne

An amazing insight into a well travelled woman who had unstoppable curiosity and a local man who brought the past to life. Well worth a visit as the experience is first class
Ewa Tunstall

Just amazing place. If you love history it's a must visit
Kumudu Studds

We took some family members to show this amazing place, Sutton Hoo. The site was quiet magical as yesterday was a very misty day! We had the chance to attend the guided tour which we found very interesting! As soon as we arrived home, we watched "The Dig" once again while our memory was still fresh.

Lovely place great marked walks and fascinating history
Paul Wright

Four stars because we went in Winter when most of the exhibitions were closed as was the main cafe. Had a nice coffee and bacon roll in the little cottage at Tranmer House. Had a walk around the burial mounds and went up the tower. Winter is probably the best time to go up into the viewing tower. We will visit again
Andrew Stone

Well worth a visit. Friendly helpful staff and nice shop and cafe. Personally I would have liked to have seen more information around the grounds. That said, the staff were all friendly and ready to impart knowledge.
Greg T

Fascinating place. Although it was wet and windy, we went around the house and a short wall around the grounds.
Wild Minx (WildMinx)

I love this place. I've been so many times. It's beautiful. Just go.
Ranjith Joseph

Great day out with kids
naomi stuart

Lovely forest walks, interesting exhibits especially for kids
Charles Teglborg Ashworth

Jan Robertson (Impbat)

Fantastic day out for the family. The Sutton Hoo story and finds are unique and the exhibition and reconstructions honour this well. A great site to wander around, plus good facilities and a lovely cafe with good vegan and vegetarian options too.
Lisa cox

We were very impressed, staff are knowledgeable and friendly, lots of activities and all ages catered for.


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